Jurnal Statement : Media Informasi Sosial dan Pendidikan https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement Jurnal Statement en-US jurnalstatement2021@gmail.com (Redaksi) elbanyumasi@yahoo.co.id (Fikri Zaih Ahmad) Mon, 14 Aug 2023 08:06:56 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PENGARUH LINGKUNGAN PENDIDIKAN TERHADAP KARAKTER PESERTA DIDIK DALAM PERSPEKTIF HADITS https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/289 <p><em>Pendidikan merupakan tombak dalam kemajuan peradaban manusia. Dari proses pendidikanlah manusia dibentuk dan dididik akal pikirannya sehingga menjadi manusia yang sesungguhnya. Secara kodrati, manusia adalah makhluk yang dapat berpikir dan memiliki kemampuan bernalar. Berpikir merupakan manifestasi dari hasil olah atas informasi yang diterima oleh pancaindra dan ditujukan untuk mencapai suatu kebenaran. Pendidikan pertama yang diterima manusia adalah pendidikan keluarga yang mana komponen utamanya adalah orangtua. Karena orangtua adalah orang yang pertama kali berinteraksi dengan anaknya, sehingga dapat dipahami bahwa lingkungan keluarga memiliki pengaruh yang besar dalam perkembangan anak. Tidak hanya lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan pertemanan dan masyarakat juga berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan karakter anak. Hal itu termuat dalam beberapa hadits Nabi SAW. yang menjelaskan pengaruh lingkungan tersebut dapat mempengaruhi karakter anak sebagai peserta didik</em></p> Wahyu Ningsih Copyright (c) 2023 https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/289 Mon, 14 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0700 MANAJEMEN SUPERVISI DALAM MENINGKAN PROSES PEMBELAJARAN DI MADRASAH AL-WATHONIYAH 2 RAWADOMBA DUREN SAWIT JAKARTA TIMUR https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/290 <p><em>Penelitian dilakukan di MTs Al-Wathoniyah 2 Duren Sawit Jakarta Timur, dan merupakan penelitian penelitian kualitatif deskriptif teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah dengan observasi partisipasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Subyek penelitian ini yaitu Kepala Marasah, para guru dan tenaga kependidikan yang berkompeten. Hasil penelitian data ini adalah: (1) unsur-unsur yang disupervisi oleh Kepala MTs Al-Wathoniyah 2 Duren Sawit adalah perencanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, dan evaluasi pembelajaran; (2) strategi digunakan dalam meningkatkan kompetensi profesional guru-guru, diantaranya:&nbsp; kunjungan kelas; observasi; rapat; diklat; dan pertemuan pribadi dengan guru.&nbsp; (3) umpan balik dan tindak lanjut supervisi Kepala Madrasah diantaranya: (a) memperbaiki kemampuan merencanakan, melaksanakan dan evaluasi pembelajaran dengan cara observasi kepada guru; (b) guru-guru memperbaiki kemampuan merencanakan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi pembelajaran dengan cara mempelajari buku-buku tentang pembelajaran; (c) guru-guru berusaha memperbaiki kemampuan merencanakan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi pembelajaran melalui Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP)</em></p> Khusni Alhan Copyright (c) 2023 https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/290 Tue, 15 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0700 KARAKTERISTIK KEAGAMAAN ANAK USIA DINI “UNREFLEKTIVE DAN EGOSENTRISME” https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/295 <p><em>Penelitian ini ingin mengkaji karakteristik keagamaan anak usia dini&nbsp; terdiri dari unreflektive, egosentrime, Anthromorphis , Verbalis&nbsp; Ritualis dan Imitative. Unreflektive adalah pemahaman dan kemampuan anak dalam mempelajari nilai-nilai agama secara sekedarnya saja artinya anak merasa puas dengan keterangan yang diberikan meskipun kurang masuk akal. Sedangkan egosentrisme beragama pada anak usia dini terlihat dari sikap beribadah yang menonjolkan keinginannya.&nbsp; Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian&nbsp; kepustakaan (library research) dengan menggunakan dokumen sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analitik yang berupaya menjelaskan suatu konsep secara komprehensif (luas dan mendalam) melalui berbagai sumber, baik buku, jurnal, artikel, maupun peraturan perundang-undangan.dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwakarakteristik&nbsp; unreflektif dan egosentrisme anak dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal seperti maturity atau kematangan kognitif anak dan faktor eksternal</em></p> Mutoh Haroh Copyright (c) 2023 https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/295 Sun, 10 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700 STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI KEPALA SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI CIKASUNGKA III KECAMATAN SOLEAR KABUPATEN TANGERANG DALAM MEMBERIKAN PEMAHAMAN PADA ORANG TUA SISWA AKAN PENTINGNYA PENDIDIKAN https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/297 <p><em>In the 2023/2024 academic year, the total number of students is 431, consisting of 226 male students and 205 female students, divided into 20 study groups. The Cikasungka III State Elementary School has 8 civil servant teachers and 8 honorary teachers for a total of 16 teachers. With the number of teachers at SD Negeri Cikasungka III, problems can be seen, namely the composition of the class is fat and there is a shortage of teachers in the school. This research uses a case study method, because this research aims to observe the communication strategies used by the Principal of SD Negeri Cikasungka III, Solear District, Tangerang Regency in providing students' parents with an understanding of the importance of education. The research design chosen in this research is a case study with a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of this research are: a) Communicating and building trust with the students' parents using repeated methods of conveying messages and using language and speech that make it easier for the students' parents to receive the messages conveyed, including: 1) communication has many stages, so that awareness arises on the part of children and parents, 2) the communication techniques used are persuasive techniques with the hope of increasing awareness of the importance of education; b) The Principal of SD Negeri Cikasungka III increases the solidarity between teachers and parents by approaching students through parent meetings and conveying an understanding of the importance of education for the future of children of compulsory school age</em></p> Suci Emelsi Jeffri, Muh Arfah, Qurrotul Fu’adiah Copyright (c) 2023 https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/297 Fri, 22 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700 TRADISI ZIKIR BERDIRI DALAM RITUAL DO’A MINTA HUJAN PADA MASYARAKAT PANIPAHAN (Studi Living Qur’an di Kelurahan Panipahan Kecamatan Pasir Limau Kapas Kabupaten Rokan Hilir) https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/298 <p><em>This study aims to discuss the tradition of standing remembrance in the ritual of praying for rain during a long dry season in the Panipahan community (Study of Living Qur'an in Panipahan Village, Pasir Limau Kapas District, Rokan Hilir Regency). This study uses a qualitative method with a sociological phenomenological approach. Primary data sources come from important documents owned by community institutions, as well as answers from related parties interviewed. While secondary sources come from various scientific references related to the discussion. There is a debate among Muslim scholars about the study of the living Qur'an, namely groups that support and groups that criticize the study of the living Qur'an. The groups that support the living Qur'an are Jalaluddin as-Suyuthi and Badruddin az-Zarkasyi. Meanwhile, groups that criticize the living Qur'an are Fazlur Rahman, Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, and Farid Esack. In addition, one of the Indonesian figures who also criticized the Qur'an was Mun'im Sirry. The findings of this study indicate that the social and Qur'anic meaning of the tradition of remembrance stands in the ritual of praying for rain during a long dry season in the Panipahan community. This is evidenced by the reading of the sentence remembrance la ilâha illallah, we are remembrance of Allah asking Allah to help bring down rain in our village by standing and rotating clockwise. Where from the reading of the remembrance the people believe and believe that Allah SWT, will be pleased with everything they do and Allah SWT, will always pour out His mercy and protect and protect them and grant what they ask for when the ritual of remembrance stands asking for rain to fall because has been dry due to drought that never stops</em></p> M. Haris Yus, Abd Muid Nawawi, Nurbaiti Nurbaiti Copyright (c) 2023 https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/298 Fri, 22 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DALAM AL-QUR’AN KAJIAN ATAS TAFSIR AL-IBRIZ KARYA BISRI MUSTOFA https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/299 <p><em>This study discusses his work, Bisri Mustofa, Tafsir Al-Ibriz, which raises the concept of character education with an emphasis on ethical and moral values and upholding virtue values in everyday life. The concept of character education contained in Tafsir Al-Ibriz includes the following main points: First Spiritual Values: Bisri Mustafa stressed the importance of connection with God in shaping character. Faith, piety, and humility are the main foundations in this view. Both Ethics and Morals: Tafsir Al-Ibriz teaches the importance of good and honest behavior in all aspects of life. Bisri Mustofa emphasizes honesty, compassion, and hard work as the main components of character education. Third Self-Development: This work highlights the importance of personal effort in developing character. Self-discipline, courage, and self-control are the elements emphasized. The Importance of Education: Bisri Mustofa pointed out that education has a crucial role in shaping the character of the younger generation. Education that is not only focused on academic aspects, but also moral, emotional, and spiritual development. Fourth, Relevance to the Young Generation: The view of character education according to Bisri Mustofa in Tafsir Al-Ibriz remains relevant to the character development of today's young generation. The modern era which is filled with moral and cultural challenges requires a strong foundation in the form of ethical values and virtues taught by Tafsir Al-Ibriz. This research is a qualitative research which in its preparation uses the literature review method. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the educational values of surah Luqman verses 12-19 in Tafsir Al-Ibriz broadly cover three things, namely aqidah education, sharia education, and moral or character education</em></p> Munawar Munawar, Saifudin Zuhri , Otong Surasman Copyright (c) 2023 https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/299 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700 PENDIDIKAN ZERO TOLERAN DALAM IBADAH https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/300 <p><em>This study discusses the interpretation of Q.S. al-Kafirun in general verses one to six with a tarbawi approach. In language al-Kafirun means unbelievers. They are people who reject and close themselves from the light of truth of Islam as the religion of rahmatan lil'alamin. Islam is a religion that upholds tolerance. Tolerance is an attitude of openness and acknowledging differences, both ethnicity, language, skin color, culture, and religion because this is the sunatullah, which is sometimes misinterpreted by equating religions moreover justifying the ways and practices of worship of other religions. Islam recognizes the term tasamuh, namely harmony between religious communities or in Arabic it means mutual permission, facilitating each other. The purpose of this study is to provide answers to the question of how we as Muslims behave towards non-Muslims, the limits of tolerance between religious communities in order to create harmonious and peaceful relations. This study was written qualitatively using the literature review method to obtain descriptive data in the form of words. The results are expected that this study will become one of the references in obtaining information and attitudes of tolerance between religious communities. The conclusion that can be drawn is that Islam is a religion that is rahmatan lil'alamin, full of peace, and highly upholds the value of tolerance, there is no compulsion in believing in Islam but as a Muslim it is obligatory to spread and call for belief in Allah as the only god that must be worshiped</em></p> Agus Agus Copyright (c) 2023 https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/300 Thu, 02 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 KREATIFITAS MENGAJAR GURU DALAM PENINGKATAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR SANTRI MASA KENORMALAN BARU DI MA PONPES DARUNNAJAH JAKARTA https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/303 <p><em>This study aims to determine how to increase student learning motivation through teacher teaching creativity. In this study the authors used a qualitative descriptive method, and data collection in this study by interviewing several key information, namely principals, students, and classroom teachers.Based on the results of the study, that Teacher Teaching Creativity in increasing student learning motivation is the habituation of the teacher in preparing learning programs, namely making RPP (Learning Implementation Plans) or in the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School environment called i'dad. The lesson plans include basic competencies, core competencies, learning objectives, learning materials, time allocation and evaluation. A learning program or lesson plan is prepared by the teacher a maximum of one day before the teaching and learning process is carried out. The next creativity is Implementing Learning Programs. In the implementation of the learning program the teacher must perform several stages. First, choosing different learning models and methods. Broadly speaking, MA Darunnajah teachers use the Discovery Learning and MainMapping learning models with the average learning methods in the form of lectures, discussions, and questions and answers. The second creativity is that the teacher is able to manage the class well, in this case the MA Darunnajah Jakarta teacher manages the average class by using the U letter sitting position and forms a circle, Third, the teacher's creativity in using learning media, on average the MA Darunnajah Jakarta teacher uses several Learning media in this new normal include WhatsApp, Google Classroom, YouTube, Email, PPT, and other teaching aids available in various school laboratories. Students' Learning Motivation in the New Normal Period at MA Darunnajah Jakarta also received a good response and increased motivation seen from several aspects, namely, student attendance, task execution and perseverance in learning</em></p> Tanri Wicaksono Copyright (c) 2023 https://jurnal.pmpp.or.id/index.php/statement/article/view/303 Fri, 03 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700